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91 Owners manual by Alfa-Romeo for Spider (91_AlfaSpiderOM - Not a shop manual)
$79.95 |
91 Alfa Romeo 164 Spider Sales Brochure (91_Alfa164SpiCC)
$19.95 |
91 Alfa Romeo 164S and Spider Veloce Press Kit Sales Brochure (91_AlfaPressKit)
$29.95 |
91 Alfa Romeo Range Sales Brochure Covering all Alfa Romeo Models (91_ARRange_CC)
$19.95 |
91 Spider Body Parts Manual by Alfa Romeo also covers 92-94 & Graduate & Quattrofoglio (91_Spi_B_Parts)
$79.95 |
91-94 Spider Factory Shop Service Repair Manual by Alfa Romeo (92_PA4466)
$99.95 |
90-94 Spider BODY Shop Service Repair Manual by Alfa Romeo includes Graduate Quadrifoglio (92_Alfa_Spi_Bod)
$29.95 |
91-95 Spider Owners manual by Alfa Romeo (91_60490273 - Not a shop manual)
$44.95 |
91 Spider Mechanical Parts Manual by Alfa Romeo also covers 92-94 & Graduate & Quattrofoglio (91_Spi_Mech_Par)
$79.95 |
93-94 Service Bulletins by Alfa Romeo (935_ServBulltn)
$69.95 |
94-99 Alfa Romeo Factory Engine Overhaul Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement as used for Alfa Spider 145 & 146 includes Boxer Engines, Turbodiesel, T.Spark, 6-Cylinder, V6 Turbo & V6 24V (99_ALFAEOMVM)
$159.95 |
Spider GTV Heating - Ventilation & Bodywork Vol.2 Shop Service Repair Manual by Alfa Romeo (95_AlfaGTV_V2)
$59.95 |
Spider & GTV Shop Service Manual 5-volume set by Alfa Romeo for 916 Front wheel drive modern spider & GTV; both V6 and Twin Spark 4 cyl. incl Turbo Large & heavy set of books (95_ALFGTV_SPIDE)
$259.95 |
Spider GTV Electrical System & Electrical System Diagnosis Shop Service Repair Manual Vol.3 by Alfa Romeo (95_SpiderGTV_V3)
$69.95 |
2.0 liter engine overhaul shop service repair manual by Alfa Romeo for all 1982-1994 4 cylinder engines 2.0 liter as used in Spider and other models (85_04317)
$34.95 |
71-94 Spider Convertible top Shop Service Repair manual by Alfa Romeo (84_PA8139)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Duetto the cars that made history 95 pgs by Madaro 1600 1750 2000 Giulia 1966-1991 Italian language (67_978887911063)
$79.95 |
66-91 Spider Gold Portfolio, 172 pages of articles on Alfa Romeo spiders by Brooklands - OUT OF PRINT (79_A_AR6691GP)
$39.95 |
66-93 Alfa Romeo Spider Guida all-identificazione e al restauro by Alfa Romeo: 144 hardbound pages by C. Rees in ITALIAN Language The restorers guide to 1300, 1600, 1750, and 2000 models 1966-1993 (85_8879114806)
$299.95 |
55-96 Spider history by C. Metcalfe about Alfa Romeo Spider (79781445685977)
$24.95 |
66-94 Alfa Romeo Spider Ultimate Portfolio Specifications road and comparison tests new model introductions updates performance and technical data for Duetto Junior Veloce Quadrifoglio 280 photos 216 pages (80_AR66UP)
$44.95 |
66-94 Original Spider Alfa Romeo 128 hardbound pages by C. Rees The restorers guide to 1300 1600 1750 2000 models 1966-1994 (85_133548AP)
$69.95 |
Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider The Essential Buyers Guide 64 pages by Keith Booker & Jim Talbott (85_140233AE)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo Conventional Manual Transmission Gearbox & Clutch Shop Service Repair Manual for 5 speed as used in Giulia Spider Sprint GT GTV Super Berlina 1300 1600 1750 & 2000 ( this is for front mounted transmission, not rear transaxle ) (69_Alfa_Trans)
$69.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Complete Story by Talbot hardcover 192 pages (69781785006494)
$44.95 |
Alfa Romeo Coupes & Spiders in Detail Hardcover by Rees (69781906133863)
$59.95 |
71-05 the Abarths after Carlo Abarth 30 year history of racing cars 404 pages by Limone & Gastaldi (88_After_Abarth)
$89.95 |
the Alfa Romeo DOHC 1300 1600 1750 2000 Engine High Performance Manual 144 pages by Jim Kartalamakis (72_143180AE)
$129.95 |
Essential Alfa Romeo Giulia & Giulietta Coupes & Spiders, by David Hodges The Cars & Their Story 1954 - 95 (OUT OF PRINT) (78_121444AE)
$46.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider History by David Sparrow & Adrienne Kessel, 128 pgs, from 60's Duetto to the 90's. (OUT OF PRINT) (78_121448AE)
$39.95 |
54-94 All-Alloy Twin Cam Companion Care & Restoration of Giulietta Giulia Alfetta & Spider Alfa Romeo 296 pages by P. Braden (74_GALG)
$49.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Le Collection by M. Matteucci 71 pgs (65_8879600279)
$39.95 |
54-94 Owner's Bible for Alfa Romeo by Pat Braden, 288 pgs. (74_GALF - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Gli Anni di Arese Gli uomini, la fabbrica, le automobili 20 interviews with key people from inside the company 1960-2000 Hardocver 140 pages with 296 photos in Italian Language by D. Moriero (80_Alfa_Arese)
$59.95 |
Alfa Romeo Giulia History & Restoration by Pat Braden with Jim Weber Includes complete technical development history - How to restore your Alfa Romeo - and Race History and Competition Preparation (91_AlfaGiuliaHR)
$59.95 |
55-96 Spider history by John Tipler, 192 hardbound pgs about Alfa Romeo Spider (82_127230AE)
$39.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Osprey Auto History by David Owen 128 pages (72_AROspreyHist)
$59.95 |
50-03 Alfa Romeo le sportive dalla 1900 alla 147 GTA in ITALIAN by Quattroruote (77_00400_98126)
$29.95 |
Alfavelate by G. Salvetti 159 pages detailing the story 16 special cars from the basement of the Alfa Romeo Museum (86_1904788203)
$299.95 |
Pininfarina Sixty Years by Sergio Pininfarina 282 hardbound pages 1930-1990 (60_88879110686)
$129.95 |
Alfa Romeo Jahrbuch #2 in GERMAN (B02_37316)
$19.95 |
Alfa Romeo Legends Osprey Classic Marques by Sparrow & Tipler 128 page history with numerous color photos (51_AlfaOspreyCM)
$34.95 |
Alfa Romeo Spider Alfasud & Alfetta GT the Complete Story by D Styles 192 page hard cover history (60_Alfa_Styles)
$49.95 |
History of Alfa Romeo by Evan Green: 112 hardbound pages published 1976 in Australia with many color illustrations (60_ARHistory_EG)
$34.95 |
Alfazioso by G. Salvetti Alfa Romeo Curiosities in both English & Italian 120 pages hardcover (65_36756)
$169.95 |
Always a Passion Alfa Romeo by D. Owen; 160 hardbound pages on all aspect of Alfa, history, racing, buying, restoring, and model evolution from pre war to 1999 (60_H628)
$59.95 |
Alfa Romeo Typenhandbuch Alle Modelle von 1910 bis Heute history of Alfa from 1910 to 2002 with 310 illustrations containing technical data by J.Walz in GERMAN language (76_37320)
$23.95 |
Alfa Romeo Ninety Years of Success on Road and Track by D Owen 222 page hard cover history (50_AlfaOwen)
$59.95 |
Collecting Alfa Romeo by Keith Martin 120 pg from PreWar to current (70_140436)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo Century of Innovation 100 years 136 pages hardcover (609780764340727)
$29.95 |